Travel should not end when you have kids. You can still travel as far and as often as you want. It is actually more important to travel once you have kids so that you raise well-rounded, open-minded children with an appreciation of their privilege. We live in a society of first-world problems, and we must do our part to raise a generation of global citizens who appreciate the world outside of their bubbles. We have the opportunity to raise little globetrotters who will forever be comfortable navigating the globe and will always appreciate the diversity of the world around them.
When I found out I was having twins, I did not know when I would be able to travel again. My plans of globe-trotting with a baby in tow did not seem so simple anymore. However, right after the boys first birthday while visiting my in-laws in Indiana, a quick trip to Chicago reminded me how much I love being a tourist. I started planning our first family international trip soon after and our travel abroad with two toddlers in tow began!
Before twins, I was a Financial Analyst and spent most of my professional career at Gulfstream Aerospace. Thus, I know about luxury travel. I also know about ensuring that a financial investment yields favorable returns. That is why I work tirelessly to make certain that your vacation investment is everything you dreamed it would be – and more!
I do not simply like to travel. I need to travel. Travel feeds my soul. I know how fortunate I am to be able to go all the places I have visited over the years. What better way for me to satisfy my travel obsession than by helping others do the same?
My mother worked tirelessly to put together these travel experiences for our family. Little did we know that she was laying the groundwork for my life to revolve around travel. She definitely did not realize that she was creating a traveler comfortable exploring exotic destinations half a world away or she might not have taken me so many places! My mom always worried when I hopped on an airplane to my newest adventure, but I suppose that is what moms do. She really was proud of my wanderlust and never discouraged it. I come from a long line of adventurous women, both my mom and Aussie grandmother traveled extensively as they made their way back and forth between the U.S and Australia over the years.
I lost my mom and my grandmother in the summer of 2015. I am so grateful for all of our trips together, so many of my family memories are from our vacations. I am thankful that they pushed themselves to travel as long as they could. Why am I telling you all this? Because I want you to #justgo. Do not wait for your kids to be a perfect age or for the perfect timing to ask for those days off of work. Just Go! You deserve the opportunity to experience the world, let me show you how!